Monday, February 18, 2013

Spring has sprung already, if you have a greenhouse!

Steve and I went over seed catalogs and requests from the restaurant, trying to make sure we get all of our ducks in a row before cranking up the greenhouse for plant sales.  Of course, it is going full force with lettuce, but we are going to have to make room for the thousands of plants that I'll be selling at the Farmers Market and Purple Porch.  In addition, we have to make sure we are growing the right plants for the restaurant.  Brad gave us a very, VERY long wish list last fall, and we are trying our best to accommodate his needs.

It is fun, but exhausting at the same time.  So much to think about.  And no matter how hard we try, I know we will forget more than one thing, and there will be a mad scramble to get more seeds of something very important that just slipped both our minds.

We did get our seed potato order in.  I couldn't keep up with potato demand last summer.  The restaurant would have taken many more than I was able to provide.  We ordered about 550 pounds of organic seed potatoes today.  I will sell many of them to fellow gardeners as seed potatoes.  The rest will go into the ground here.  Steve and I are taking over a terrible paddock that never provided much fodder for the cows.  He is going to haul dead leaves from across the creek and lay them on top of the soil.  If he can get enough of them, he will not even till the soil.  We will just bury the potato chunks in the soft, wet, half-composted leaves.  Steve says it will work.  I trust him.

Well, back to the kitchen.  I'm starting my sourdough rye bread for Purple Porch  It will be a two day job to have the bread ready by 4:00 on Wednesday.  No time to waste.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! God bless! Take care! Think spring! Always, Bess
