Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Tomorrow's the day!

I spent the day cleaning out the system in my hotel room. Ugh! My daughter arrived this afternoon. She went out to find me some broth, Jell-O and ginger ale for supper. Not quite like last night's supper!!

Surgery is taking place tomorrow morning at 9:30 am. I met with the surgeon, Dr. Wang, this morning. He thinks he will be able to do laparoscopy. In spite of the size and placement, laparoscopy will be possible because he will be looking at it in two ways - he will do an endoscopic ultra sound so that he is viewing the tumor with an internal camera AND he will be going into the stomach using laparoscopic technique, going through my abdomen.

He told me that this technique is a bit tricky, but it would enable him to take the least part of my stomach because he will be viewing it from two different angles and he can be more precise. He said better to have to go back in later than to take too much since quality of life is important. Sort of like my oncologist, Dr. Rushing, telling me that I needed to be happy and make t-cells, so he cut back my meds. The doctors I chose both have that great attitude - quality of life is so important. I am lucky to have found both of them.

Dr. Wang said that residents often do part of the surgery, but he will be doing it all himself, and if I give permission, it will be filmed so that he can teach this technique to other doctors. I said of course, that I always wanted to be a movie star!!

My daughter will do a post on my Facebook page tomorrow once I am out of surgery, and I will be back with more blogging in a few days.

Onward and upward!

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