Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another dreary day . . .

Androo and I worked together for a short time this morning before I had to head out for market.  I have so little time to work with him.  I am supposed to be mentoring him, not that he needs much, but even so, I felt grateful to have 45 minutes to work side by side with him in the garden.  I do enjoy dirt under my hands instead of computer keys.

It's another dreary day.  It never stormed badly enough that Androo had to leave the garden, so he got a lot done today.  He quits at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, so it will be a "short" day, but he has the seeds ready to go - it's a fruit day, and we need to get more beans in.  Aunt Ida's pole beans will go on the trellis.  The others will make it into rows wherever there is a little space left.  The yin-yang bean seeds are almost gone, so I've instructed Androo to put one or two hills in the herb garden by the greenhouse.  I want to save seeds and don't want any cross pollination.  I know of people who have saved bean seeds that were grown near other varieties, but better safe than sorry.

This dreary weather is a bit depressing, but it is sure good for the radishes!  My second sowing of radishes is doing far better than the first.  April was hot and dry, and I didn't have my irrigation system set up yet - who knew?  April is the month that is supposed to be dreary, but it wasn't, and my radishes were terrible.  These June radishes are tender and round and bright red, crisp and tasty.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, then you know how much I love collards and kale.  Quite a bit of it is up, and I am already harvesting from the biggest of the kale plants.  Today Androo tucked in small starts from the greenhouse everywhere there was room.

My garden isn't very big, but the variety is pretty impressive!  My market basket customers are never bored with what they see in their baskets each week.  The asparagus is done, but now the baby turnips are coming in, and most of my customers love a batch of wildharvested greens such as stinging nettle, lamb's quarter and chickweed.  Variety is the spice of life.

Well, I need to tackle another page of my organic certification paperwork.  Deadline is fast upon me.  I'm just about done, but "just about" doesn't cut it with the certifying agency.  That postmark better be on or before the 15th, or I'm toast!

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