Sunday, March 6, 2011

There is some good news today!

This afternoon I had a meeting in South Bend, so didn't get home from church until about 2:30.  Leifschon met me outside the barn and said something about Smarty Pants's calf.  Say what?  I asked, "You mean Blackie's calf, don't you?"

"No," she said.  "Smarty Pants just had a calf.  It's standing and looks fine." 

I headed for the house for my boots and my camera.  Leifschon didn't know if it was a bull or a heifer, so off I went across the pasture to see for myself.  I snapped several pictures, was pretty sure it was a heifer, but I stuck my hand between her back legs to be sure.  Yup, there were four tiny little teats!  It's a girl!!

I have said that I am going to sell all of the calves this year.  Our herd is getting too big, it's too much to handle.  But of course, I am already planning what a fine dairy cow she will make in a couple of years.  Hopefully reason will prevail, and I will put the ad in the Farmers Exchange and find her a good home.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that both Smarty Pants' and Blackie's calves are doing so well. It's so early for babies to be out in the cold! Hopefully we'll be done with snow soon so the babies can get some grass and sunshine. I'm thankful that we have good news after the difficulties with the new cows and the unfortunate loss of the two calves.
