Monday, June 6, 2016

My potatoes are up! More pics of foundation plantings.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Running late this morning, but haven't posted for a couple of days. My garden blogs seem to be the most popular, so here are more pics of what is happening with the plantings in front of house. I just love the leaves on newly emerging potato plants! Enjoy.

Anybody want a chunk of oregano plant? It has to be cut back! Let me know, and I can bring to market for you to pick up.

Potato plants have emerged!

Future project - what a mess!
My friend Bob made this name plate for me. Note oregano gone wild!

Rhubarb is coming along.

Tarragon - yum! Can already taste it with chicken.

My beloved yarrow. :)
Injured lavender plant
Another casualty - this WAS a small rosemary tree that got stomped on.

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