Thursday, May 12, 2016

Vacation leftovers

It's time to pay my Citibank bill, the credit card I used for just about everything while in France.

I'm sorting by date, and as I look at the bills, I am feeling a little blue - what was once a dream of the future is all just a pile of bills and a bunch of memories - c'est tout.  The vacation of a lifetime is done, reduced to paying the bill for Metro tickets, grocery store purchases, meals out, and one for which I owe a whole pile of money.  What was THAT for?  Some of the bills are in both francs and euros, so I thought it must be francs, but no, it is euros!  Oh, my!!

Then I saw the name Dehilleran on the bill and knew what it was for.  It's the bill from the cooking supply store in the heart of Paris, the one recommended by Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa.  I do not regret one penny spent there.  My third terrine is in the refrigerator, meats and spices blending for 12 hours before going into a water bath in the oven for two hours.  After weighting it down in the fridge for another half day or so, it's time to remove the terrine from the terrine (terrine is both the name of the cooking vessel and the end product), wipe down the exterior, wrap tightly and refrigerate until Sunday.  Then I will slice it and serve with Cumberland sauce to my dinner guests, along with a freshly baked French baguette.

My vacation is not over; it lives on - so many pictures, so many memories, so many good meals enjoyed and to be enjoyed in the future with recipes, ideas and cookware from the City of Lights.

Bread baskets and copper - who could ask for anything more?
Better than Christmas morning!
I missed these demitasse cups.  Will have to go back for one.

Provence souvenirs on the left, Dehilleran on the right - rolling pin, melon baller, molds, fish spatula, terrine, paring knife.

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